Yeah, so all of my fellow bloggers have already been there, done that, with this recipe.. so I had to see what all the fuss was about..... finally.
I made the Chickpea Cutlets from Vcon, with saute'd spinach & arugula topped with Vcon Mustard Sauce minus the capers. I didn't have a couple of the spices this recipe called for, but oh well. I'll try to remember to restock my spice rack next grocery outing.
My husband LOVED these. He said it kind of reminded him of Burger King chicken sandwiches. Of course, It's been about 16 or so years since he has anything remotely close to a real chicken sandwich. I did end up making mine into a sandwich, because they just weren't cutting it for me. As a simple sandwich with veganaise, Dijon mustard and some sort of leafy green.. i liked it much, much more.
Anyway, I'm glad I finally tried it out. The recipe looked pretty intimidating, but really was pretty easy. And, because I finally got a fancy new camera, here is my first super-close up photo.....
Hi, I just found your blog. I'm a vegetarian (formerly vegan)and am trying to get back to vegan along with my son, 18 months old.
What is V-con? And do you have the recipe for the chickpea cutlets. They look good-even the closeup!!
Andrea- here is a link to the cutlets:
Vcon stands for the cookbook Veganomicon.
Lizzy - You've been "tagged" (see my blog for details). I hope you'll play along.
Oh I love those cutlets. Surprisingly enough I haven't made them more than once... putting them in a sandwich sounds tasty!
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